Welcome to the Velvet Room

Velvet Room Attendant Krea

"Master Igor is out at the moment, However I am still able to manage request that you may have. Please feel free to look around~!"

© kreauwu


the Art Gallery


"You would like to view the compendium? Go right ahead~"

© kreauwu


Terms Of Service


"Be a dear and follow the rules of velvet room please..."

By commissioning Krea, the client agrees to all of the terms listed on this page and agrees to follow them.

Clients Terms

  • Please provide visual references for your desired commission. Descriptions could make it slightly difficult to your commission, especially if the character is supposed to look a certain way!

  • Unless otherwise stated, the client may not use my works for personal profit or commercial usage. Please contact me directly if you would like to use my work commercially.

  • Altering, reselling or claiming my art is strictly prohibited.

  • My work is not to be used for AI training/generating or anything related to NFTs/The Blockchain.

  • You are allowed to post the finished product on social media as long as proper credit is given.

  • Removal of my watermark will result in an immediate ban of all commissions

Artist Terms

  • I have the right to deny a commission for any reason.

  • In the case of fanart of preestablished works, I reserve the right to sell the artwork as merchandise (such as prints).

  • I retain full rights/ownership to commissioned work.

  • I try to be patient with people as everyone interacts with people differently. However, I work on a 3 strike system and after 3 strikes, the client will be barred from commissioning me again.

Payment and refunds

  • All payments are through PayPal and in USD.

  • For work to continue past the sketch stage, 50% of the payment must be made and to receive the finish product the other 50% must be paid! Once the 50% is paid and I've begun working on the commission, there will be no refunds(w/ one exception).

  • Minor changes are free, However bigger or extreme changes will cost extra.

  • If I find that I cannot finish a commission, A refund will be given.

On NSFW commissions

  • To limit any minors from seeing my NSFW gallery, please contact me directly.

  • For the convenience and safety for both parties, I will absolutely not be excepting NSFW commissions from minors and will ask for some kind of confirmation that you are 20+.

  • (While 18/19 year old's are not minors, I myself do not feel comfortable doing a NSFW commission for someone who may just be out of high school and will not accept NSFW commissions from you if you either age.)

  • You will be barred from commissioning me if you try to pressure me into drawing things that makes me uncomfortable or are on my will not draw list.

© kreauwu

Leaving so soon? Well, I await your next visit!

© kreauwu


My Prices


"I can't wait to see what you pick!"

Full color
(Starting at $25)

Full Illustration
(Starting at $50)

PNGtuber models (COMING SOON)

© kreauwu

PNGtuber Models

"How exciting! I hope you pick this one~"

  • B

  • Extra characters are 50% of the base price.

  • Simple color backgrounds ONLY!

  • Small revisions are accepted, major revisions to the final product WILL cost extra!

© kreauwu

Full Color

"What a fine choice!"

  • Bust | $25

  • Waist Up | $30

  • Full Body | $35

  • Extra characters are 50% of the base price.

  • Simple backgrounds ONLY!

  • Small revisions are accepted, major revisions to the final product WILL cost extra!

© kreauwu

Full Illustration

"There's no rush! Take your time."

  • Starts at $50 and increases based on complexity.*

  • More complex backgrounds and certain details will increase the price.

  • Extra characters are 50% of the base price.

  • Backgrounds with extreme amounts of detail will cost $10 extra.

  • Small revisions are accepted, major revisions to the final product WILL cost extra!

© kreauwu